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Directory macros/latex/contrib/glossaries


glossaries v4.54 (2024-04-03)

Author: Nicola Talbot (contact)


This material is subject to the Project Public License. See http://www.ctan.org/license/lppl1.3 for the details of that license.

Copyright 2007-2024 Nicola Talbot


This package is provided to assist generating glossaries. The package supports abbreviations and multiple glossaries. New entries are defined to have a name and description (and optionally an associated symbol). Plural forms can also be specified. New glossary styles can be defined, and preambles and postambles can be specified. There is provision for loading a database of terms where only terms used in the text will be added to the relevant glossary.

This package replaces the glossary package which is now obsolete.

Included supplementary files:

  • glossaries-prefix.sty: allows for the inclusion of a prefix (such as a determiner) before terms.
  • glossaries-accsupp.sty: an experimental package that uses the accsupp package to provide accessibility support for the glossaries package.
  • glossary style packages (such as glossary-list.sty and glossary-index.sty). Note that the list styles may be incompatible with classes or packages that redefine the description environment.
  • a set of files containing lorem ipsum dummy entries for testing and debugging.

Excluded supplementary packages (separate installation required):

  • glossaries-extra.sty extends glossaries.sty, providing more options and better abbreviation handling.
  • bib2gls alternative indexing application designed specifically for use with glossaries-extra.sty



The best and recommended method is through your package manager, otherwise see INSTALL file for installation instructions.

To test your installation, compile minimalgls.tex which is provided with the sample files:

pdflatex minimalgls
makeglossaries minimalgls
pdflatex minimalgls

or (if you don't have Perl installed):

pdflatex minimalgls
makeglossaries-lite minimalgls
pdflatex minimalgls


  • amsgen
  • datatool-base
  • etoolbox
  • ifthen
  • mfirstuc
  • textcase
  • tracklang
  • xfor
  • xkeyval at least version 2.5f (2006/11/18)

If you want to use glossaries-accsupp.sty you will also need the accsupp package.

Some of the glossary styles require additional packages, which are automatically loaded by the corresponding glossary-name.sty package.

  • The long styles require longtable.sty.
  • The super styles require supertabular.sty.
  • The ragged styles required array.sty.
  • The mcols styles require multicol.sty.
  • The booktab styles require booktabs.sty.

If you want to use the sm acronym styles you will also need relsizes.sty. This needs to be explicitly loaded in your document if required.

If you want to use \oldacronym with \xspace you will also need xspace.sty. This needs to be explicitly loaded in your document if required. (Not recommended.)

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (12.5M).

glossaries – Create glossaries and lists of acronyms

The glossaries package supports acronyms and multiple glossaries, and has provision for operation in several languages (using the facilities of either babel or polyglossia). New entries are defined to have a name and description (and optionally an associated symbol). Support for multiple languages is offered, and plural forms of terms may be specified. An additional package, glossaries-accsupp, can make use of the accsupp package mechanisms for accessibility support for PDF files containing glossaries.

The user may define new glossary styles, and preambles and postambles can be specified. There is provision for loading a database of terms, but only terms used in the text will be added to the relevant glossary.

The package uses an indexing program to provide the actual glossary; either makeindex or xindy may serve this purpose, and a Perl script is provided to serve as interface.

This package requires the mfirstuc package.

The package supersedes the author’s glossary package (which is now obsolete).

Bug trackerhttps://www.dickimaw-books.com/bugtracker.php?category=glossaries
Version4.54 2024-04-03
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2007–2024 Nicola Talbot
MaintainerNicola Talbot
TDS archiveglossaries.tds.zip
Contained inTeX Live as glossaries
MiKTeX as glossaries
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