% DECTAB.STY (April 27, 1991) % Allows decimal alignment in tabular environment % \dec definitions taken from REVTEX.STY % by Charles Franklin, April 27, 1991 % (C38871CF@WUVMD.WUSTL.EDU or C38871CF@WUVMD.Bitnet) % % USAGE: For decimal alignment in a table, use \dec 3.14 for % the cell entry. The column should be center aligned % to achieve the desired effect. % For example: % % \begin{tabular}{lcc} % % Constant & \dec -1.461 & \dec -0.724 \\ % Standard Error & \dec (0.422) & \dec (0.455) \\ % % Note that a `.' MUST appear for the alignment to work. % Use `\dec 520.' NOT `\dec 520' for integers. % % DECTAB also defines \ra, \la, \ca for easy modification of % global alignments. These produce local right, left and center % alignments of the cell entry. If there are spaces in the cell % entry, enclose the contents in {...}, eg \la {This Column} % \typeout{Document Style Option `dectab', version April 27, 1991} \newdimen\@Ldec \newdimen\@Rdec \def\dec #1.#2 {\hbox to\@Ldec{\hss#1}\def\test{#2}% \ifx\test\empty\hbox to\@Rdec{\hfill}\else\hbox to\@Rdec{.#2\hss}\fi } \def\setdec #1.#2 {\relax% \bgroup \setbox0\hbox{\kern1pt\relax#1}\setbox1\hbox{\kern1pt\relax#2}% \global\@Ldec\wd0\global\@Rdec\wd1% \egroup } \setdec 000.000 % default size of 3 digits on each side % Following defs allow easy modification of global alignment in % tables. \ra, \la, \ca for right, left and center alignments. \def\ra #1 {\multicolumn{1}{r}{#1}} \def\la #1 {\multicolumn{1}{l}{#1}} \def\ca #1 {\multicolumn{1}{c}{#1}} % end DECTAB.STY