% indexes document style option for producing multiple indexes % for use with the modified bbok style, CHbook.sty % Written by F.W. Long, Version 1.1, 12 August 1991. % Modified by F.W. Long, Version 1.1a, 29 August 1991 % to get the index heading correctly spaced. % Modified by F.W. Long, Version 1.1b, 31 August 1991 % to remove the abbreviation \ix (which should be in the document, not here). % Modified \makeindex and \index commands to allow multiple indexes % in both cases the first parameter is the index name. % They now work more like \@starttoc and \addcontentsline. % \index is no longer defined inside \makeindex but determines % whether the appropriate file is defined before writing to it. \def\makeindex#1{\begingroup \makeatletter \if@filesw \expandafter\newwrite\csname #1@idxfile\endcsname \expandafter\immediate\openout \csname #1@idxfile\endcsname #1.idx\relax \typeout{Writing index file #1.idx }\fi \endgroup} \def\index#1{\@bsphack\begingroup \def\protect##1{\string##1\space}\@sanitize \@wrindex{#1}} % \@wrindex now checks that the appropriate file is defined. \def\@wrindex#1#2{\let\thepage\relax \xdef\@gtempa{\@ifundefined{#1@idxfile}{}{\expandafter \write\csname #1@idxfile\endcsname{\string \indexentry{#2}{\thepage}}}}\endgroup\@gtempa \if@nobreak \ifvmode\nobreak\fi\fi\@esphack} % Modified \printindex command to allow multiple indexes. % This now takes over much of the work of \theindex. % Again, the first parameter is the index name. % The second parameter is the index title (as printed). \newif\if@restonecol \def\printindex#1#2{\@restonecoltrue\if@twocolumn\@restonecolfalse\fi \columnseprule \z@ \columnsep 35pt \newpage \twocolumn[{\Large\bf #2 \vskip4ex}] \markright{\uppercase{#2}} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#2} \@input{#1.ind}} % The following index commands are taken from book.sty. % \theindex is modified to not start a chapter. \def\theindex{\parindent\z@ \parskip\z@ plus .3pt\relax\let\item\@idxitem} \def\@idxitem{\par\hangindent 40pt} \def\subitem{\par\hangindent 40pt \hspace*{20pt}} \def\subsubitem{\par\hangindent 40pt \hspace*{30pt}} \def\endtheindex{\if@restonecol\onecolumn\else\clearpage\fi} \def\indexspace{\par \vskip 10pt plus 5pt minus 3pt\relax} % the command \ix allows an abbreviation for the general index %\def\ix#1{#1\index{general}{#1}} % define the \see command from makeidx.sty \def\see#1#2{{\em see\/} #1}