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Directory macros/generic/etoolbox-generic


This package implements a wrapper which allows the user to load the -independent part of package etoolbox in other formats.

Load the package by \input etoolbox-generic.

The wrapper has been tested in plain and Cont on etoolbox version 2020/10/05 v2.5k. (The version of the wrapper should match the latest etoolbox version.)

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (8.2k).

etoolbox-generic – A loader for etoolbox.sty in non- formats

This package implements a wrapper which allows the user to load the -independent part of package etoolbox in other formats. It was implemented as an auxiliary package of Memoize.

Version2.5k 2023-10-10
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2023 Sašo Živanović
MaintainerSašo Živanović
Contained inTeX Live as etoolbox-generic
MiKTeX as etoolbox-generic
TopicsMacro support
Generic Macros
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