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Directory macros/latex/contrib/pgfopts

pgfopts - LaTeX package options with pgfkeys

Using key-value options for packages and macros is a good way of
handling large numbers of options with a clean interface. The
`pgfkeys` package provides a very well designed system for
defining and using keys, but does not make this available for
handling LaTeX class and package options. The `pgfopts` package
adds this ability to `pgfkeys`, in the same way that `kvoptions`
extends the `keyval` package.


The package is supplied in `.dtx` format and as a pre-extracted
zip file, `pgfopts.tds.zip`. The later is most convenient for
most users: simply unzip this in your local `texmf` directory.
If you want to unpack the `.dtx` yourself, running `tex
pgfopts.dtx` will extract the package whereas 'latex pgfopts.dtx
will extract it and also typeset the documentation.

Typesetting the documentation requires a number of packages in
addition to those needed to use the package. This is mainly 
because of the number of demonstration items included in the 
text. To compile the documentation without error, you will 
need the packages:
 - `csquotes`
 - `helvet`
 - `hypdoc`
 - `listings`
 - `lmodern`
 - `mathpazo`
 - `microtype`

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (176.2k).

pgfopts – package options with pgfkeys

The pgfkeys package (part of the pgf distribution) is a well-designed way of defining and using large numbers of keys for key-value syntaxes. However, pgfkeys itself does not offer means of handling class and package options. This package adds such option handling to pgfkeys, in the same way that kvoptions adds the same facility to the standard keyval package.

LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2008 Joseph Wright
MaintainerJoseph Wright
TDS archivepgfopts.tds.zip
Contained inTeX Live as pgfopts
MiKTeX as pgfopts
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