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Directory macros/latex/contrib/qtree

This is the distribution directory for QTREE, a LaTeX package for
drawing tree diagrams. Qtree allows trees to be specified in a simple 
bracket notation, automatically calculates branch sizes, and supports 
both DVI/PostScript and PDF output.

This is Qtree version 3.1b, 12 December 2008. Qtree is distributed 
under the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).

*** Source files:

qtree.sty	The style file
qtreenotes.tex  The documentation
qarrows.tex     Additional info on drawing movement arrows

*** Formatted versions of the documentation:


Alexis Dimitriadis (alexis@ling.upenn.edu)

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (219.4k).

qtree – Draw tree structures

The package offers support for drawing tree diagrams, and is especially suitable for linguistics use. It allows trees to be specified in a simple bracket notation, automatically calculates branch sizes, and supports both DVI/PostScript and PDF output by use of pict2e facilities.

The package is a development of the existing qobitree package, offering a new front end.

LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2006 Alexis Dimitriadis
MaintainerAlexis Dimitriadis
Jeffrey Siskind (inactive)
Contained inTeX Live as qtree
MiKTeX as qtree
See alsotree-dvips
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