CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory systems/chitex/Unix

Before install chitex:

You need to install some packges.
*(Install tetex or texlive.
  New package of linux contains texlive as default.)

(0) For Fedora:
    Fedora 9-13 include package texlive.
       If you are in Fedora 9-12, you should first install:
         �n��}�o   (�w�� Fedora �� �w��)
         (�Φw�� Fedora ��w�� gcc �� dvipdfmx) ��
         texlive-2007-30.fc9(i386), texlive-2007-35.fc10(i386),
         texlive-2007-42.fc11(i386),or texlive-2007-43.fc12(i386))
         (texlive ���w��:
           (1) Fedora9-10 �i�b�w�� Fedora �ɩΤ��� �w��
               �w�� Fedora ��: ���ε{������ "�s�g�P�X��"
           (2) �Y�� Fedora 11-12, �w�� Fedora ����w��
               �ηs�W/�����n��, �� Find ��J "texlive" �M�����
               �U�� �� "�M��")
           (3) �Y�� Fedora 13-14, �w�� Fedora ����w��
               �ηs�W/�����n��, �� Find ��J "texlive" �M��
              �]a) ����U�� �� "�M��") ��
               (b) ��F(i) Binaries for the TeX formatting setting...
                       (ii) A Dvi to Postscript converter for ...
                       (iii) Texmf files needed for texlive-afm
                       (vi)  Texmf files needed for texliv-latex
                       (v)   Texmf files needed for texliv-xetex
                       (vi)  TexmfTypesetting engine using unicode with opentype ...
                    cernlib-static 2006-34.fc13  (Fedora 13 �n�w��)
            (a) gcc, xdvi (�w�� Fedora ����w��)
            (b) xdvipdfmx  (Fedora9-12,14 �w�� Fedora ����w��, Fedora 11,13 �����w��)
            (c) �Y�� Fedora 11, �n�A�w��:

(1) Debian:
    Debian 4.0-5.0 include package texlive-full
    If you are in Debian 4.0, you should install:
       gcc, gawk, texlive-full, MATHLIB(libmathlib2-dev)  (�@�w�n�w��)
       dvipdfmx, xdvi and freetype1-tools(for 4.0)
    If you are in Debian 5.0, you should install:
       gcc, gawk, texlive-full, MATHLIB(libmathlib2-dev)  (�@�w�n�w��)
       make                                               (�@�w�n�w��)

(2) Ubuntu:
    Ubuntu 8.04-10.10 include package texlive-full
    If you are in Ubuntu 8.04, you should install:
       gcc, gawk, texlive-full, MATHLIB(libmathlib2-dev)  (�@�w�n�w��)
       dvipdfmx, xdvi and freetype1-tools
    If you are in Ubuntu 8.10, you should install:
       gawk, texlive, MATHLIB(libmathlib2-dev)  (�@�w�n�w��)
    If you are in Ubuntu 9.04-9.10, you should install:
       gawk, texlive-full, MATHLIB(libmathlib2-dev)  (�@�w�n�w��)
       freetype1-tools (For Ubuntu 9.04)
    If you are in Ubuntu 10.04:
       (a) you should install:
           texlive-full, texlive-omega, MATHLIB(libmathlib2-dev)  (�@�w�n�w��)
       (b) �n�w�� chitex �n�H root �����Ӧw��. Ubuntu 10.04 �n�U���O:
                 sudo passwd root
           �ӳ]�w root ���K�X. ����A���� user �� root �n�J��
           �~��w�� chitex �]�ЦA�Ѩ��U�� How to Install)
    If you are in Ubuntu 10.10:
       (a) you should install:
           gawk, texlive-full, MATHLIB(libmathlib2-dev)  (�@�w�n�w��)
       (b) �n�w�� chitex �n�H root �����Ӧw�˥i�p:
                 sudo su -

(3) FreeBSD:
    If you are in FreeBSD 7.1 you should install:
       Developer (�w�˨t�ήɿ��, �Τ���ɿ���w��)
    If you are in FreeBSD 7.2 you should install:
       Developer (�w�˨t�ήɿ��, �Τ���ɿ���w��)
       gawk, cjklatex
    If you are in FreeBSD 8.0 you should install:
       teTeX-base, teTeX-texmf, xdvi
       gawk, Freetype-tool (or cjklatex)
    If you are in FreeBSD 8.1 you should install:
       Developer (if it has not gcc )
       teTeX-base, teTeX-texmf, dvipdfmx
       gawk (if it has not gawk)
       Freetype-tool(or cjklatex) (if it has not ttf2tfm)

(4) �ۦ��� texlive �w�� tex ��, �ݭ��� path :
    �b  texlive/2010 (�Ҧp) �ؿ���:
        Give command: ./install-tl ����, �X�{ "Enter command:" �� ��J D �p�U:
             Enter command: D
         <1> TEXDIR:       /usr/local/texlive/2010
             support tree: /usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf
         <2> TEXMFLOCAL:     /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local
         <3> TEXMFSYSVAR:    /usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf-var
         <4> TEXMFSYSCONFIG: /usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf-config

       ��J 1 �ק� TEXDIR �p�U:
          Enter command: 1
          New value for TEXDIR [/usr/local/texlive/2010]: /usr/share
       ����, ��J 2 �ק� TEXMFLOCAL �p�U:
          Enter command: 2
          New value for TEXMFLOCAL [/usr/share/texmf-local]: /usr/share/texmf
       ����, ��J 3 �ק� TEXMFSYSVAR �p�U:
          Enter command: 3
          New value for TEXMFSYSCONFIG [/usr/share/texmf-var]: /usr/share/texmf
       ����, ��J 3 �ק� TEXMFSYSVAR �p�U:
          Enter command: 4
          New value for TEXMFSYSCONFIG [/usr/share/texmf-config]: /usr/share/texmf
       ����, ��J R �^ Main Menu  �p�U:
          Enter command: R

       �A��J O �ק� options �p�U:
          Enter command: O
       ����, ��J L �ק� binary directory �� /usr/bin (���n�@�w�n��) �p�U:
          Enter command: L
          New value for binary directory [/usr/local/bin]: /usr/bin
       ����, ��J R �^ Main Menu  �p�U:
          Enter command: R

       �A��J I �w�w�˨� hard disk �p�U:
          Enter command: I

    �����W������, �A�̷� unix ���t�ά� Fedora, Debian, Ububtu �� FreeBSD
    �Ѩ��W�� (0) Fedora (1) Debian (2) Ububtu (3) FreeBSD ������
    �ݬO�_�ݦw�˥��n�� package

Install chitex:
        In this page (directory), download file "chitexu_15a61.tgz".
        Give command:
             zcat chitexu_15a63.tgz|tar xvf -
        to have a directory "6.1.2p15a63". Then in this directory,
        give command
             chmod +x setup
        and run:
        to install chitex.
 Other site which has package of chitex (unix):

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