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Directory macros/latex/contrib/numberpt


Package numberpt

Typeset counters spelled out in Portuguese.

Author: Miguel V. S. Frasson mvsfrasson@gmail.com

This material is subject to the Project Public License 1.3c

What it does

Package numberpt defines commands to display counters speeled out in Portuguese.

For example,


makes chapter titles to be rendered as

Capítulo Um
Capítulo Dois

The styles are

  • \numberpt for all lowercase
  • \Numberpt for First word capitalized
  • \Numberpt for All Capitalized


In Portuguese, both “catorze” or “quatorze” (for 14) are correct.

In European Portuguese, the spelled out forms for 16, 17 and 19 are “dezasseis”, “dezassete” and “dezanove”. In Brazilian Portuguese, the forms are “dezesseis”, “dezessete” and “dezenove”.

The package has options

  • catorze (default) and quatorze to select form for 14.
  • dezesseis (default) and dezasseis to select Brazilian or European Portuguese forms for 16, 17 and 19.


Full documentation on numberpt.pdf.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (321.7k).

numberpt – Counters spelled out in Portuguese

This packages defines commands to display counters spelled out in Portuguese.

The styles are

  • \numberpt for “all lowercase”
  • \Numberpt for “First word capitalized”
  • \NumberPt for “All Capitalized”

For example, \renewcommand{\thechapter}{\NumberPt{chapter}} makes chapter titles to be rendered as “Capítulo Um”, “Capítulo Dois” etc.

Options are offered to select variations in the spelling of “14”, or Brazilian vs. European Portuguese forms in the spelling of “16”, “17”, and “19”.

The package requires expl3 and xparse.

Version1.0 2019-07-13
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2019 Miguel V. S. Frasson
MaintainerMiguel Vinícius Santini Frasson
Contained inTeX Live as numberpt
MiKTeX as numberpt
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