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interval – Format mathematical intervals, ensuring proper spacing

When typing an open interval as $]a,b[$, a closing bracket is being used in place of an opening fence and vice versa. This leads to the wrong spacing in, say, $]-a,b[$ or $A\in]a,b[=B$. The package attempts to solve this using:
\interval{a}{b} -> [a,b]
\interval[open]{a}{b} -> ]a,b[
\interval[open left]{a}{b} -> ]a,b]

The package also supports fence scaling and ensures that the enclosing fences will end up having the proper closing and opening types. maths does not do this job properly.

The package depends on pgfkeys.

Version0.4 2019-03-06
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
MaintainerLars Madsen
Contained inTeX Live as interval
MiKTeX as interval
Parentheses management

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (317.6k).

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