CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN update – lettrine

Date: March 13, 2002 3:35:51 PM CET
----- Forwarded message from Daniel Flipo ----- I have just uploaded into ftp.dante.de/incoming a file lettrine.tar.gz, which contains an upgrade (V 1.2) of the lettrine package designed to typeset various sorts of dropped capitals. It should replace the old version in 'macros/latex/contrib/supported/lettrine'. The license is unchanged (LPPL). This new version corrects a bug due to incorrect handling of rubber lengths; the bug occured with seminar.cls for instance. ----- End forwarded message ----- Thanks for the upload. I installed it as suggested in CTAN:/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/lettrine' Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team

lettrine – Typeset dropped capitals

The lettrine package supports various dropped capitals styles, typically those described in the French typographic books. In particular, it has facilities for the paragraph text’s left edge to follow the outline of capitals that have a regular shape (such as “A” and “V”).

Version2.61 2024-06-26
Copyright1999–2024 Daniel Flipo
MaintainerDaniel Flipo



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