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CTAN update: tkz-euclide

Date: February 9, 2022 10:50:09 AM CET
Alain Matthes submitted an update to the tkz-euclide package. Version: 4.05b 2022-02-07 License: lppl1.3 Summary description: Tools for drawing Euclidean geometry Announcement text:
In many situations like the intersection of a line and a circle or of two circles or in the search for tangents from a point outside a circle, we have two solutions. After some approximations, I think I have found methods to choose the points, which leads in some cases to have to swap points. I apologize for the fact that the latest code changes are causing some problems. \tkzInterLC new option near new method to choice the points \tkzInterCC new method to choice the points \tkzDefTangent add method to choice the points New macros for testing the result of intersection \tkzTestInterLC and \iftkzFlagLC \tkzTestInterLC and \iftkzFlagCC New macros \tkzDefHarmonic option ext int both then node or R \tkzDefGoldenRatio new macro \tkzSwapPoints Exchange two points \tkzPermute Permutation of two points of a triangle \tkzDefPointsBy option rotation with nodes no need to know the angle \tkzMarkArc and \tkzLabelArc \tkzDefPointOnCircle[angle=30,center=K1,radius=\rAp] becomes \tkzDefPointOnCircle[R= angle 30 center K1 radius \rAp] Added \tkzDefPointOnCircle[through= angle 30 center K1 point \rAp] Added some styles to place arrow "tkz arrow" and "tkz arrows" Added " line cap =round" and "line join =round" to all the constructions Added information about angles in the documentation
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/tkz-euclide The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-euclide/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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tkz-euclide – Tools for drawing Euclidean geometry

The tkz-euclide package is a set of files designed to give math teachers and students easy access to the programming of Euclidean geometry with TikZ.

Copyright2024 Alain Matthes
MaintainerAlain Matthes



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