CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Announcements for colorblind

colorblind – Easy colorblind-safe typesetting

In colorblind-safe documents, the contents are presented in a way that the same information is conveyed to readers regardless of a potential color vision deficiency. This package provides the tools necessary for colorblind-safe typesetting in . It provides color schemes for a wide range of applications.

The most commonly used schemes are qualitative schemes, providing easily distinguishable colors for use in graphics, but also for text coloring or highlighting. Additionally, diverging and sequential schemes are included which can be used for encoding quantitative information using colors. This package incorporates colorblind-safeness into the writing process, making it both less cumbersome and less error-prone.

Version1.0 2024-05-12
Copyright2023–2024 Simon Pfahler
MaintainerSimon Pfahler

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