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Announcements for forms16be

forms16be – Initialize form properties using big-endian encoding

This package provides support for UTF-16BE Unicode character encoding (called a big-endian character string) for the text string type (PDF Reference, version 1.7, beginning on page 158). Text strings are used in “text annotations, bookmark names, article threads, document information, and so forth” (to partially quote page 158). The particular application is to set property values of form fields, at least those properties that take the text strings as its value.

The package contains support for Basic Latin plus the ability to enter any unicode character using the notation \uXXXX, where XXXX are four hex digits.

The Package works for dvips/Distiller, pdf, Lua, and XeLaTeX.

Version1.3 2019-03-20
Copyright2017–2019 D. P. Story
MaintainerDonald P. Story (deceased)

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