CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Announcements for GELLMU

GELLMU – -like markup for writing XML documents

GELLMU is an acronym for “Generalized Extensible -Like MarkUp”. With GELLMU one may use -like markup to write consciously for SGML document types such as HTML, DocBook, TEI, or GELLMU's own -like document type ‘article’.

The package provides a syntactic translator, which is the project layer for all document types.

The article document type is very much like with a tightly enforced syntax and vocabulary. For article, the package provides translators to classic HTML, regular and the XML form of HTML extended by MathML (XHTML). The latter form provides optimal online content that is ‘accessible’ and in the author's opinion superior to PDF for web presentation.

MaintainerWilliam F. Hammond

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