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Announcements for trig

trig – Simple trigonometric functions

Provides the trigonometric functions sin, cos and tan, for use in the graphics and graphicx packages.

Before any trigonometric value is used, it must be pre-calculated, so a usage sequence might be \CalculateSin{22.5} ... \UseSin{22.5}; the argument may also be a count, as in \UseTan{\value{mycounter}}, or a count register, as in \CalculateCos{\count@}.

The package is part of the latex-graphics bundle, which is one of the collections in the ‘required’ set of packages.

Version1.11 2023-12-02
Copyright1993–1997, 1999 David Carlisle
2000–2021 David Carlisle, 3 Project
MaintainerDavid Carlisle
The Project Team

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