CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Guest Book

The guest book contains 157 items.

how to intergrate byzfonts package in miktex 2.9

i want to use byzfonts package, im new on latex can you explain how to do this?
irakli, 2015-03-11 12:38 CET


I am having the same error
Stochastic optimisation, 2015-02-25 18:50 CET

It seems that I can't run the package

I want to use the /chemfig command to draw some structure but it shows an error.so i wanna you to guide me from starting textstudio.
amiya, 2015-02-23 01:37 CET

It seems that I can't run the package

this same problem with me . how can i solve this ,
ayse, 2014-12-15 21:43 CET

How to install supp-pdf.mkii?

Where can I find the file supp-pdf.mikii?
E. de Wolf, 2014-11-26 14:33 CET

How to install supp-pdf.mkii?

Thansk for doing a god job
Thomas Thogo Ramsing, 2014-11-18 00:37 CET

How to install supp-pdf.mkii?

Archana, 2014-11-13 07:39 CET

Zwei Fehler in g-brief


vielen Dank für das Packet g-brief.

In der Doku befindet heißt es auf Seite 8 "\NameZeileA{ } bis \NameZeileG{ }" muss aber "\NameZeileA{ } bis \NameZeileF{ }" heißen.

Auf Seite 9 befindet sich ein kleiner Rechschreibfehler "dem enstprechenden Block" muss natürlich "dem entsprechenden Block" heißen (Luxusbug).

Beste Grüße

anonymous, 2014-11-05 10:53 CET

thanks for enabling ebooks through PDF

I use both animate and media9, and such rich media really enliven PDF documents. Thanks for important work.
Michael Cohen, 2014-11-04 04:48 CET

Add year to inline citations.

Could you think about adding 'year' to inline citations? I may have to go back to footnotes as I can't come up with a straightforward way of doing this without creating a new cite command which would upset trackers and so on.
Mike Leadbetter, 2014-10-06 20:00 CEST

proposed sign for path integrals

Could someone please design an integral sign that looks like a Cornu spiral? i.e. the usual \int but with curly ends. Typed in LaTeX as \intc, it could go in the esint package or amsmath. It would signify a path integral in physics. \intc_a^b \exp{iS[x(t)]}{\cal D}x(t) would signify taking a sum over all paths from point a to point b. Right now one uses just \int_a^b, but it's not a Riemann or Lebesgue integral.
Lang Withers, 2014-10-06 18:55 CEST

Awesome work

I have been thinking of doing this for a long time since I get tired of formatting every comment I make on a tex file. Thanks for your effort and this is going to be a permanent member of my preamble.
Ramakrishnan Natesan, 2014-08-15 22:27 CEST

Great package and \RetArg command

Hello. Thank you for the great pack�age for Bode and Nyquist plots in Tikz. I am us�ing it ex�ten�sively for my slides.

Wanted to let you know that the out�put of \RetArg is in ra�di�ans and not in de�grees where as other com�mands such as \POArg is in de�grees. This is easy to cor�rect by us�ing 57.29*\RetArg. I have found out be�cause I have found dsi�crep�an�cies with mat�lab when us�ing pure de�lays. You will find that the Bode plot in the doc�u�men�ta�tion for the first or�der with de�lay is wrong.



Franky De Bruyne, 2014-07-22 22:10 CEST

I need a mactex

I need a mactex
jun young bum, 2014-07-08 08:59 CEST

Great Info Site

wanted to drop a note in your guest book and say thank you for mak­ing this site avail­able.
Alex, 2014-06-21 20:27 CEST

latexdiff is fantastic!

Thank you for hosting such a great site with valuable resources. latexdiff is a great tool that I expect to be very useful as I work through versions of my Master's thesis!
Paul Kaefer, 2014-06-09 15:59 CEST

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