CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory fonts/bbding

This directory contains the bbding fontset to be used under LaTeX.  

The original metafont source is written by Karel Horak, which is supposed to have
the copyright for the fonts.  The LaTeX package is written by Peter M�ller
Neergaard, which have made some minor changes to the metafont source.
Therefore both the original source and the modified source can be found in
this directory.

The directory contains the following files
	README		This file
	bbding.ins	The installation driver for the LaTeX package
	bbding.dtx	The source for the LaTeX code
	bbding10.mf	The metafont source for the bbding font set with
			some minor corrections to make it work under LaTeX
	bbding10.org	The original metafont source for the bbding font set

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (451.5k).

bbding – A symbol (dingbat) font and macros for its use

A symbol font (distributed as source) that contains many of the symbols of the Zapf dingbats set, together with an NFSS interface for using the font.

An Adobe Type 1 version of the fonts is available in the niceframe fonts bundle.

LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright1995–1999 Peter Møller Neergaard
MaintainerKarel Horák
Peter Møller Neergaard
Contained inTeX Live as bbding
MiKTeX as bbding
TopicsFont symbol
MF Font
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