Directory info/Math_into_LaTeX-4
An excerpt from the book `(More) Math into LaTeX', 4th edition: Short Course, to help you get started quickly with LaTeX, including detailed instructions on how to install LaTeX on a PC or a Mac. The Short Course is copyrighted, but can be freely distributed. This folder also contains a series of video presentations covering most of the Short Course. These presentations are copyrighted, but they can be freely distributed. How to watch these videos? Mac: Just click on the icon of a video, and QuickTime Player 7.5 or newer loads it. (Make sure you have a current version from Software Update...) Click on the play button, the black triangle pointing right. If you want to play the videos on a notebook with a smaller display, the play button may not be accessible. Go to the View menu of the QuickTime Player and choose Enter Full Screen PC (Windows): If you do not have QuickTime 7.5 (or newer) installed on your computer, point your browser to choose Downloads and in the middle of the page click on QuickTime. Follow the instructions for a free installation of QuickTime on you PC. (Older versions of QuickTime give a misleading error message.) Now you can play the videos as on a Mac. Read the instruction for notebooks. UNIX and Linux: Most video players can be used to watch these videos. We tried TOTEM (with the the Gnome desktop), ATUN and KAFFEINE (with the KDE desktop).