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CTAN update: latex-base

Date: December 2, 2022 7:55:41 AM CET
The LaTeX Project Team submitted an update to the latex-base package. Version: 2022-11-01 PL1 License: lppl1.3c Summary description: Base sources of LaTeX Announcement text:
######################### # 2022-11-01 PL1 Release ######################### 2022-11-28 Frank Mittelbach <Frank.Mittelbach at latex-project.org> * ltspace.dtx (subsection{Horizontal space (and breaks)}): We use a private register instead of a group with \hspace in case it starts the paragraph. Otherwise \everypar and friends will be executed inside a group (gh/967) 2022-11-28 Frank Mittelbach <Frank.Mittelbach at latex-project.org> * ltxdoc.dtx: Revert using \detokenize in \cs (gh/962) Eventually we will need to sync with the code in l3doc but for now we stay with the simpler definition from doc.sty. 2022-11-30 Joseph Wright <Joseph.Wright at latex-project.org> * ltfinal.dtx: Set \oe and \OE equal in case changing to allow detection by babel
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/latex-base The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/base/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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latex-base – Base sources of

This bundle comprises the source of itself, together with several packages which are considered ‘part of the kernel’. This bundle, together with the required packages, constitutes what every distribution should contain.

Version2024-11-01 PL2
Copyright1989–2023 The 3 Project et al.
MaintainerThe Project Team
Frank Mittelbach



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