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CTAN Update: esami

Date: July 28, 2016 6:57:13 PM CEST
Grazia Messineo and Salvatore Vassallo submitted an update to the esami package. Version: 2.1 2016-07-25 License: lppl Summary description: Typeset exams with scrambled questions and answers Announcement text:
Modified German and Spanish language files for an error in the input of the solutions. Introduced the macro \randestrai. Introduced the macro \FPsignpol. Introduced a control on the total points of the exercises. Solved the incompatibility with babel for the Spanish language. Removed the incompatibility between the command \fillin and the commands \sempli and \semplix.
The package's Catalogue entry can be viewed at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/esami The package's files themselves can be inspected at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/esami/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra RĂ¼be-Pugliese
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esami – Typeset exams with scrambled questions and answers

The package enables the user to typeset exams with multiple choice, open questions and many other types of exercise. Both questions and answers may be randomly distributed within the exam, and the solutions are typeset automatically. Exercises may contain a wide number of random parameters and it is possible to do arithmetical operations on them. The package is localised in Italian, English, French, German, Greek, Serbian, and Spanish.

Version2.9 2024-07-03
Copyright2008–2023 G. Messineo and S. Vassallo
MaintainerGrazia Messineo
Salvatore Vassallo



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