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New on CTAN: tikz-network

Date: July 31, 2018 2:22:26 PM CEST
Jürgen Hackl submitted the tikz-network package. Version number: 1.0 License type: gpl3+ Summary description: Draw networks with TikZ Announcement text:
In recent years, complex network theory becomes more and more popular within the scientific community. Besides a solid mathematical base on which these theories are built on, a visual representation of the networks allow communicating complex relationships to a broad audience. Nowadays, a variety of great visualization tools are available, which helps to structure, filter, manipulate and of course to visualize the networks. However, they come with some limitations, including the need for specific software tools, difficulties to embed the outputs properly in a LaTeX file (e.g. font type, font size, additional equations and math symbols needed,...) and challenges in the post-processing of the graphs, without rerunning the software tools again. In order to overcome this issues, the package **tikz-network*** was created. Since LaTeX is a standard for scientific publications and widely used, there is a high chance that users are already familiar with the syntax and the structure of this language. Beside LaTeX, no other software tool is needed. The commands of **tikz-network** are kept simple but allow a high control over the produced output. Post-processing of the network (e.g. adding drawings, images, texts, equations,...) can be done easily, due to the compatibility with PGF/TikZ (Tantau 2015). Also, the embedding of the network visualization into the LaTeX-environment enables the use of the fonts, font sizes, mathematical symbols, hyperlinks, references,..., as used in the document. Additional features are the three-dimensional visualization of (multilayer) networks, and the compatible with other layout and visualization tools (e.g. igraph, netwrokx, QGIS, ...).
The package's Catalogue entry can be viewed at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/tikz-network The package's files themselves can be inspected at http://mirror.ctan.org/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikz-network
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Erik Braun
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tikz-network – Draw networks with TikZ

This package allows the creation of images of complex networks that are seamlessly integrated into the underlying files.

The package requires datatool, etex, graphicx, tikz, trimspaces, xifthen, and xkeyval.

Version1.1 2019-08-15
Copyright2018–2019 Jürgen Hackl
MaintainerJürgen Hackl



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