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Announcements for jj-game

jj-game – A class to construct Jeopardy-like games

The class defines a Jeopardy-like game; question answers may be multiple choice, or text or mathematics ‘fill-ins’.

The basic game can be constructed using dvipsone, dvips, pdftex or dvipdfm. The ‘pro’ option of the game works with dvipsone or dvips only, and requires Adobe Acrobat Pro 7.0 (or later), with its distiller.

The game requires the Acro education bundle, and (for the pro option) AeB pro.

Also, the eforms package dated 2016-08-29 or later is required.

Samples of sources for games are provided.

Version3.1 2016-11-24
Copyright2000–2016 D. P. Story
MaintainerDonald P. Story (deceased)

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