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biblatex-accursius – Citing features for Italian jurists

This style is primarily aimed at Italian legal jurists and provides them with the ability to cite legal materials, such as legislative acts, regulations, soft law, treaties and case law. Additionally, the style codifies the most prevalent citation practices amongst Italian legal scholars.

Specifically, with regard to the citation of legal materials, this style, instead of developing the entry types @jurisdiction@legal, and @legislation, creates a new one: @itprov, which can describe a wide range of legal sources. Furthermore, it creates a second new entry type: @notetoprov, which is used specifically to cite so-called “note a sentenza” (notes to judgement), which closely mirrors @itprov, but is literature and, therefore, is intended to have the same treatment as standard entry types.

The citation commands are the standard ones.

The @itprov entry type comprises the list institution to indicate which authority adopted the cited act; the kindprov, nprov, provtitle (or titleparties) fields to indicate the minimal ‘ID’ of the act and many others. Finally, the entry type allows to specify where the cited act was consulted, whether from an official bulletin (the ofbull field), an official portal or a private database (the ofportal field), or a journal or collection.

LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2024 Francesco Contini
MaintainerFrancesco Contini
Contained inTeX Live as biblatex-accursius
MiKTeX as biblatex-accursius

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