Suggestions for graphicxbox
The following packages have something in common with the package graphicxbox. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- graphbox: Extend graphicx to improve placement of graphics
- grfpaste: Include fragments of a dvi file
- graphfig: Simpler graphic, subfigure and float
- rviewport: Relative Viewport for Graphics Inclusion
- nccpic: Extend the graphicx package for more formats
- graphicxsp: An extension of the graphicx package
- swfigure: Insert large images that do not fit into a single page
- pdfoverlay: A LaTeX style for overlaying text on a PDF
- graphicx-psmin: Reduce size of PostScript files by not repeating images
- graphicxpsd: Adobe Photoshop Data format (PSD) support for graphicx package
- incgraph: Sophisticated graphics inclusion in a PDF document
- realhats: Put real hats on symbols instead of ^
- multibox: Multiple boxes and frames for the picture environment
- longfigure: Provides a figure-like environment that break over pages
- pdfreview: Annotate PDF files with margin notes
- fadingimage: Add full width fading pictures at the top or bottom of a page
- pdfpages: Include PDF documents in LaTeX
- graphicx: Enhanced support for graphics
- graphics: Standard LaTeX graphics
- epsfig: Include Encapsulated PostScript in LaTeX documents
- graphicp: An enhanced version of graphics
- alertmessage: Alert messages for LaTeX
- dashbox: Draw dashed boxes
- eqparbox: Create equal-widthed parboxes
- efbox: Extension of \fbox, with controllable frames and colours
- fancybox: Variants of \fbox and other games with boxes
- lroundrect: LaTeX macros for utilizing the roundrect METAPOST routines
- makebox: Defines a \makebox* command
- minibox: A simple type of box for LaTeX
- pbox: A variable-width \parbox command
- nccboxes: Elaborate box commands