Suggestions for SourceSansPro
The following packages have something in common with the package SourceSansPro. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- fira: Fira fonts with LaTeX support
- josefin: Josefin fonts with LaTeX support
- play-font: The Play font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- mintspirit: LaTeX support for MintSpirit font families
- universalis: Universalis font, with support
- gillius: Gillius fonts with LaTeX support
- chivo: Using the free Chivo fonts with LaTeX
- nunito: The Nunito font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- cabin: A humanist Sans Serif font, with LaTeX support
- inter: The inter font face with support for LaTeX, XeLaTeX, and LuaLaTeX
- classico: URW Classico fonts
- librefranklin: LaTeX support for the Libre-Franklin family of fonts
- cooperhewitt: LaTeX, pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX support for the Cooper Hewitt family of sans serif fonts
- roboto: Support for the Roboto family of fonts
- ysabeau: Ysabeau fonts with LaTeX support for traditional TeX engines
- gudea: The Gudea font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- magra: The Magra font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- oswald: The Oswald family of fonts with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- cascadia-code: The Cascadia Code font with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
- inriafonts: Inria fonts with LaTeX support
- alegreya: Alegreya fonts with LaTeX support
- plex: Support for IBM Plex fonts
- lobster2: Lobster Two fonts, with support for all LaTeX engines
- libertinus-type1: Support for using Libertinus fonts with LaTeX/pdfLaTeX
- quattrocento: Quattrocento and Quattrocento Sans fonts with LaTeX support
- merriweather: Merriweather and MerriweatherSans fonts, with LaTeX support
- clearsans: Clear Sans fonts with LaTeX support
- poiretone: PoiretOne family of fonts with LaTeX support
- libertine: Use of Linux Libertine and Biolinum fonts with LaTeX
- scholax: Extension of TeXGyreSchola (New Century Schoolbook) with math support
- playfair: Playfair Display fonts with LaTeX support