Suggestions for thaienum
The following packages have something in common with the package thaienum. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- moreenum: More enumeration options
- multenum: Multi-column enumerated lists
- etaremune: Reverse-counting enumerate environment
- outline: List environment for making outlines
- revnum: Reverse enumerate
- paralist: Enumerate and itemize within paragraphs
- shortlst: Compact lists by running several items per line
- tablists: Tabulated lists of short items
- asciilist: Environments AsciiList and AsciiDocList for prototyping nested lists in LaTeX
- engrec: Enumerate with lower- or uppercase Greek letters
- tasks: Horizontally columned lists
- enumerate: Enumerate with redefinable labels
- jpneduenumerate: Enumerative expressions in Japanese education
- enumspec: Enumerate with extra leading character for labels
- sentences: Numbered lists for sentences
- phonenumbers: Typesetting telephone numbers with LaTeX
- babel-thai: Support for Thai within babel
- eqlist: Description lists with equal indentation
- desclist: Extended “description” lists
- makebase: Typeset counters in a different base
- bullcntr: Display list item counter as regular pattern of bullets
- cntformats: A different way to read counters
- fnumprint: Print a number in ‘appropriate’ format
- comma: Formats a number by inserting commas
- fancynum: Typeset numbers
- numprint: Print numbers with separators and exponent if necessary
- modroman: Write numbers in lower case roman numerals
- nbaseprt: Print numbers in non-decimal bases
- numname: Convert a number to its English expression
- romannum: Generate roman numerals instead of arabic digits
- romanbar: Write roman number with "bars"