Directory fonts/greek/greektex-fd
NFSS-2 Font Definition Files for Greek Fonts -------------------------------------------- Andrej Brodnik University of Waterloo Department of Computer Science Waterloo, Canada January 19th, 1995 [ Copyright (c) 1995 Andrej Brodnik, All Rights Reserved ] [ Permission is granted to to customize the declarations in this file to serve the needs of your installation. However, no permission is granted to distribute a modified version of this file under its original name. ] This directory contains font definition files for three families of Greek fonts otherwise available through "greektex" package. The familes are: o clgr: serif (roman) family in file ``Uclgr.fd'' with: - medium series (m): upright shape (n), slanted shape (sl), italic shape (it) and small caps shape (sc) - bold extended series (bx): upright shape (n) o clgrtt: typewriter family in file ``Uclgrtt.fd'' with: - medium series (m): upright shape (n) o clgrss: sans serif family in file ``Uclgrss.fd'' with: - medium series (m): upright shape (n) o clgrm: mathematical family (OML encoding) in file ``OMLclgrm'' with: - medium series (m): italic shape (it) Since, up to my knowledge, there is no known encoding scheme for Greek letters (yet), we are using ``U'' -- user defined encoding. However, to make things really compatible with LaTeX2e and possible to typeset simultaneously in Greek and some other language, one needs to upgrade ``greektex'' (see CTAN sites) to NFSS-2 and LaTeX2e. For now, one can simply typeset small portions of Greek text in her or his documents using the following environment: \newenvironment{greek}[1][]% {\fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{clgr#1}\selectfont} {} and then \begin{greek} Greek text. \end{greek} for serif (roman) family or: \begin{greek}[ss] Greek text. \end{greek} for sans serif family (for typewriter family replace ``ss'' by ``tt''). However, the Greek text has to be encoded as described in ``A practical system for typesetting Greek in \TeX'' by Y.N. Moschovakis and G. Spiliotis (see again CTAN sites).
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greektex-fd – LaTeX font definition files for GreekTeX
FD files for the three families of fonts of the GreekTeX bundle, in a U encoding (for the roman, sans and teletype families), and again as an OML encoding for the roman family.
Package | greektex-fd |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Copyright | 1995 Andrej Brodnik |
Maintainer | Andrej Brodnik |
Topics | Font support |