CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory fonts/initials

This archive contains PostScript binary files for a few "decorative
initials" (also called "dropped initials") fonts, and the service
files needed in order to use these fonts with [La]TeX.

The fonts are a (small) subset of the ones designed and crafted by:

          Dieter Steffmann <dieter@steffmann.de>
     Marburger Stra�e 93a, D-57223 Kreuztal (Germany)

and available under his Web page


(follow the link to "Fonts"). 

The author gave his permission, that these
fonts can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.

The files included in the distribution are:

        .pfb files:   PostScript Font Binary files;
        .afm files:   Adobe Font Metric files;
        .tfm files:   TeX Font Metric files, for LaTeX;
        .fd  files:   Font Description files, for LaTeX;
        config files: configuration files, for dvips;
        .map files:   font mapping files, for dvips;
        .tex files:   example files;
        .pdf files:   Portable Document Format output from the
                      above example files.

The names of the included fonts, and the related file names are:

     AcornInitials           (Acorn.afm, Acorn.pfb)
     AnnStone                (AnnSton.afm, AnnSton.pfb)
     ArtNouveauInitialen     (ArtNouv.afm, ArtNouv.pfb)
     ArtNouveauCaps          (ArtNouvc.afm, ArtNouvc.pfb)
     CarrickCaps             (Carrickc.afm, Carrickc.pfb)
     EichenlaubInitialen     (Eichenla.afm, Eichenla.pfb)
     EileenCaps-Regular      (Eileen.afm, Eileen.pfb)
     EileenCaps-Black        (EileenBl.afm, EileenBl.pfb)
     ElzevierCaps-Regular    (Elzevier.afm, Elzevier.pfb)
     GotischeInitialen       (GotIn.afm, GotIn.pfb)
     GoudyInitialen          (GoudyIn.afm, GoudyIn.pfb)
     KinigsteinCaps          (Kinigcap.afm, Kinigcap.pfb)
     KonanurKaps             (Konanur.afm, Konanur.pfb)
     Kramer-Regular          (Kramer.afm, Kramer.pfb)
     MorrisInitialen         (MorrisIn.afm, MorrisIn.pfb)
     NouveauDropCaps         (Nouveaud.afm, Nouveaud.pfb)
     Romantik                (Romantik.afm, Romantik.pfb)
     RothenburgDecorative    (Rothdn.afm, Rothdn.pfb)
     RoyalInitialen          (RoyalIn.afm, RoyalIn.pfb)
     SanRemo                 (Sanremo.afm, Sanremo.pfb)
     Starburst-Regular       (Starburst.afm, Starburst.pfb)
     TypographerCaps         (Typocaps.afm, Typocaps.pfb)
     ZallmanCaps             (Zallman.afm, Zallman.pfb)

In order to install the distribution, copy the files (with the
exception of the .afm files, not needed by LaTeX) to a directory
searched by LaTeX and dvips.

To process the example files, try the commands:

                latex <name>.tex
                dvips -j0 -P <name> <name>.dvi

where <name> is the base name of the afm and pfb files (one of Acorn,
AnnSton, ...); to process the example files without any previous
installation, try with

        TEXCONFIG="\!\!:." dvips -j0 -P <name> <name>.dvi

from the current directory (for the Bourne shell; for C-like shells I
don't know how to change an environment variable on-the-fly).

For what concerns the "-j0", this option should not be needed by
modern versions of dvips (the PostScript output has been generated
by dvips 5.92b); I suspect that these fonts are not completely well
formed internally, but I do not have the time to investigate more
--- using -j0 the PostScript output is consistent.  Also, Acrobat
Reader 5.06 chokes on some PDF files (while xpdf has no problems),
in particular the big ones like GoudyInitials; the PDF output has
been generated by Ghostscript 8.00.

The same files are available on the WWW under the URL


(follow the link to the directory "Initials").

                Happy TeXing,                           MLO

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (3.0M).

initials – Adobe Type 1 decorative initial fonts

For each font, at least a .pfb and a .tfm file is provided, with an .fd file for use with .

LicensesThe Project Public License
MaintainerDieter Steffmann
Maurizio Loreti (inactive)
Contained inTeX Live as initials
MiKTeX as initials
TopicsFont Type1
Decor Font
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