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Directory graphics/pgf/contrib/pgf-blur


Package pgf-blur

The package adds blurred/faded/fuzzy shadows to PGF/TikZ pictures. It is configured as a TikZ/PGF library module.

Run (pdf)latex on pgf-blur.dtx to produce a TikZ library file and the documentation.


Martin Giese has stopped working on pgf-blur and pgf-blur is now developed at https://github.com/norbusan/pgf-blur

Issues and Bugs

Please report issues to https://github.com/norbusan/pgf-blur/issues

Currently (as of TL2018) multiple drop shadows can produce problems with xelatex (dvipdfmx) when including a pdf with drop shadows into another pdf. A typical error is

xdvipdfmx:fatal: Loop in object hierarchy detected. Broken PDF file?

This will be fixed in TL2019 with an update to dvipdfmx. luatex and pdftex do not exhibit this problem.

License and Copyright

Copyright 2012 Martin Giese, martingi@ifi.uio.no
Copyright 2012 Andrew Stacey
Copyright 2018 Norbert Preining, norbert@preining.info

This file is under the Project Public License See CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt. See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html for the details of that license.


The original version was developed by Martin Giese:

Copyright 2012 Martin Giese, martingi@ifi.uio.no

who handed over maintainership to Norbert Preining in 2018

Message-Id: <BDCE3150-A170-4AC9-B1E3-2903DA9D390F@ifi.uio.no>

Ich finde es gut, wenn sich jemand um die Verbesserung der package kümmern möchte.
Wenn du willst kannst du gerne die Rolle des Maintainers übernehmen.  Ich werde
selber wahrscheinlich keine Zeit mehr haben, mich darum zu kümmern.  So lange
die Doku einen Hinweis behält, dass die ursprüngliche Version von mir kam,
bin ich glücklich.

Additions by Andrew Stacey are public domain, CC0, or LPPL

Copyright 2012 Andrew Stacey

Message-ID: <cd8cae1b-c5c9-9fcc-8822-fff529375bb5@mathforge.org>

"My additions to the pgf-blur code are hereby placed in the public domain to
the extent governable by law.  Explicitly, they are dually placed under the
CC0 licence and the LPPL licence."

Current maintainership, uploads, etc

Copyright 2018 Norbert Preining, norbert@preining.info

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (244.2k).

pgf-blur – PGF/TikZ package for "blurred" shadows

The package adds blurred/faded/fuzzy shadows to PGF/TikZ pictures. It is configured as a TikZ/PGF library module.

The method is similar to that of the author’s pst-blur package for PSTricks.

Home pagehttps://github.com/norbusan/pgf-blur
Bug trackerhttps://github.com/norbusan/pgf-blur/issues
LicensesThe Project Public License
Public Domain Software
Copyright2012 Martin Giese
2018 Norbert Preining
MaintainerNorbert Preining
Martin Giese (inactive)
Andrew Stacey (inactive)
Contained inTeX Live as pgf-blur
MiKTeX as pgf-blur
TopicsPGF TikZ
Graphics subpic
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