CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory info/epslatex/english

This directory contains the files


which contain Version 3.0.1 of Keith Reckdahl's documentation 
"Using Imported Graphics in LaTeX and pdfLaTeX",  dated 
January 12, 2005, which corrects several small typos in
Version 3.0.  

Version 3.0.x has been updated to cover graphic-inclusion when 
using pdfLaTeX (in fact the PDF version of the document was 
produced with pdflatex).  The document also has been updated 
for the latest version of the caption and subfigure packages.

This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
See  http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html 
for the details of that license.

Emails with bug reports, suggestions, etc should be sent to 
    epslatex  at  yahoo  dot  com

epslatex – Guide to using Encapsulated PostScript in

An extensive document which explains how to use imported graphics (eps, pdf, and bitmap) files in documents. Deals with version 3.0 of the caption package, and with the subfig package, as well as with most other graphics issues.

A French translation of this document is available – see fepslatex.

LicensesNo Source Available
MaintainerKeith Reckdahl
Contained inMiKTeX as guides
TopicsGraphics documentation
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