Directory info/examples/lgc2
Overview ======== This directory contains the examples from the book LaTeX Graphics Companion, 2nd Edition File types ========== extension script meaning ltxb runltxb LaTeX file using the beamer class pltx runpltx LaTeX file showing how to use pstricks with pdf ptx runptx MusiXTeX low-level pic runpic Pic language ly runly Lilypond abc runabc ABC source abcplus runabcpl ABCplus source mp runmp MetaPost source m4 runm4 m4 macros pmx runpmx PMX source mtx runmtx M-Tx source The scripts are Unix scripts used in the book production, e.g. runltx 6-7-21.ltx was called to turn example 6-7-21 into an eps file for the book. Those scripts do a lot of things like, running LaTeX (or some other program) several times, looking for comments in the source to do special things like turning color output into gray, cleaning the eps files, etc. It is **not** likely that those scripts work for you without adjustments (even if you are working on Unix/Linux) --- they are included in case somebody is interested. There is also a runall script which attempts to process all examples in the directory or if call with an argument like 3- that is runall 3- will process only the files whose names start with 3-. Using individual examples ========================= Each example is self contained in the sense of being a complete document that can be run through the corresponding processor, e.g., in case of a LaTeX document it starts with \documentclass{..} and ends in \end{document}. Required input data files (used by some examples) should be all collected here, except in cases where the data file used is part of the package distribution (unless we overlooked something). However, the document may require some additional resources not installed on your system in which case you need to install the missing items to successfully run the examples (e.g., fonts, style files, you name it ...). It is also possible that even the base program is not available, e.g., the programs described in the music chapter exist for various platforms, but are most likely not installed on your system. You may also have to update existing resources on your system to the latest version, e.g., several MetaPost or PSTricks examples will fail if you do not have at least the appropriate support files that were current in spring 2007 (i.e., after TeX Live 2007). Some examples use data files that are part of the used package but may reside in different places in your installation. In this case the paths to the data files need correction in the example. have fun frank
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.6M).
lgc2-examples – Examples from The LaTeX Graphics Companion, second edition
The source of the examples printed in the book, together with necessary supporting files.
Package | lgc2-examples |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Maintainer | Frank Mittelbach Sebastian Rahtz (deceased) |
Topics | Book examples |