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Directory language/japanese/BX/bxghost


The BXghost Package

: ghost insertion for proper xkanjiskip


  • format:
  • engine: Lua, , p, up, and Ap (p-ng)
  • Lua-ja is required in Lua

Since this package is intended to be used for creating documents in Japanese, it assumes appropriate classes and/or packages are loaded in some engines (e.g., Lua-ja for Lua and bxjscls for ).


This package provides following commands:

  • \eghostguarded{<text>} inserts European ghost (invisible and zero-width alphabets) before and after the <text>. In math mode, it outputs only <text> without the ghosts.
  • \jghostguarded{<text>} inserts Japanese ghost (invisible and zero-width Japanese characters) before and after the <text>. In math mode, it outputs only <text> without the ghosts.

In addition, the following package options are available:

  • verb patches the \verb command of to be guarded by European ghost.
  • noverb disables the verb feature. (default)

For package authors

To use the function of this package in your package, a library version is available:


This provides all the commands defined in the package but does not have any package option to prevent the problem of option clashes.


The logic and style of the code in this package is greatly inspired by Package PXghost and various packages in the BX series. I would like to thank the author of the packages, Dr. Takayuki Yato (aka. ZR).


This package is distributed under the MIT license.

Revision History

  • Version 0.5.1 ‹2023/02/26›
    • Add support for e-up based p
  • Version 0.5.0 ‹2022/05/20›
    • Provide bxghost-lib for internal use from other packages
  • Version 0.4.0 ‹2022/02/12›
    • More general implementation for \jghostguarded
    • Add the noverb option
  • Version 0.3.0 ‹2020/01/31›
    • Add the verb option
  • Version 0.2.0 ‹2019/09/17›
    • Add supports for and Ap (p-ng)
  • Version 0.1.0 ‹2019/09/16›
    • The first public version
    • Add supports for Lua to the original PXghost package

Takuto Asakura (wtsnjp)

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (4.0k).

BXghost – Ghost insertion for proper xkanjiskip

The package provides two commands to help authors for documents in Japanese to insert proper xkanjiskips. It supports Lua, , p, up, and Ap (p-ng).

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/wtsnjp/BXghost/issues
Version0.5.1 2023-02-26
LicensesMIT License
Copyright2019–2023 Takuto ASAKURA (wtsnjp)
MaintainerTakuto Asakura
Contained inTeX Live as bxghost
MiKTeX as bxghost
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