Directory macros/generic/ean
This directory contains the macro ean13 and ean8 for making EAN barcodes (13 or 8 digit on input and kern-rule queue on output). The usage of the macros is commeted in the file ean13.tex or ean8.tex. The simple test is presented in file eantest.tex (for plain). Macro works in plain and LateX and other standard macro packages. The fonts ocrb9 and ocrb7 is used. The mf-sources are presented (this is the copy from CTAN:fonts/ocr-b) with a little correction (the mode_setup is added to begin of file ean13.tex .... EAN 13 macro by Petr Olsak ean8.tex .... EAN 8 macro by Jaroslav Moucka (student) eantest.tex .. test of ean13 and ean8 in plain. *.mf ......... mf-sources of OCR-b font by Norbert Schwarz Petr Olsak (Ol\v{s}\'ak) Department of Mathematics Czech Techical University in Prague, Czech Republic e-mail:
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ean – Macros for making EAN barcodes
Provides EAN-8 and EAN-13 forms.
The package needs the ocr-b fonts; note that the fonts are not available under a free licence, as the macros are.
Package | ean |
Licenses | GNU General Public License |
Copyright | 1995 Petr Olšák |
Maintainer | Petr Olšák |
Contained in | TeX Live as ean MiKTeX as ean |
Topics | Barcode |
See also | barcodes code128 |