Directory macros/latex/contrib/bibunits
Abstract The `bibunits' package allows separate bibliographies for different units or parts of the text. The units can be chapters, sections or bibunit environments. The package is compatible with a wide variety of packages, including, but not limited to, natbib, overcite and KOMA-SCRIPT classes. To produce the style latex bibunits.ins To produce the documentation latex bibunits.dtx If you do not want to include the macro section in the documentation, remove the comment sign before \OnlyDescription. To produce an index for the documentation: makeindex -s bibunits To produce a change history for the documentation: makeindex -s -o bibunits.gls bibunits.glo Contents: 00Readme this file ;-) bibunits.dtx documented source file for the bibunits package bibunits.ins installation file bibtexall shell script to run bibtex on each .aux file in the present directory License Package `bibunits' to use with LaTeX2e. Copyright (C) 1999--2004 Thorsten Hansen This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2003/12/01 or later. This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". The Current Maintainer of this work is Thorsten Hansen. This work consists of the files bibunits.dtx and bibunits.ins and the derived file bibunits.sty. Happy TeXing Thorsten Hansen
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bibunits – Multiple bibliographies in one document
The package provide a mechanism to generate separate bibliographies for different units (chapters, sections or bibunit-environments) of a text. The package separates the citations of each unit of text into a separate file to be processed by BibTeX. The global bibliography section produced by LaTeX may also appear in the document and citations can be placed in both the local unit and the global bibliographies at the same time.
The package is compatible with koma-script and with the babel French option frenchb.
Package | bibunits |
Version | 2.2 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Maintainer | José Alberto Fernández Thorsten Hansen |
Contained in | TeX Live as bibunits MiKTeX as bibunits |
Topics | BibTeX Support Multi BibTeX |
See also | chapterbib bibtopic |