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Directory macros/latex/contrib/ccaption

The CCAPTION package

    The ccaption package provides commands for `continuation captions',
unnumbered captions, and a legend heading for any environment. 
Methods are provided to define captions for use outside float 
environments, and to define new float environments and subfloats. 
Tools are provided for defining your own captioning styles.

    The packagehas been tested in conjunction with the rotating, caption2, 
subfigure, sidecap, endfloat, longtable, xtab, tocloft and hyperref packages.

Change History

Version 3.2c (2011/08/07)
- Fix a bug in longtable compatibility; font changing now works correctly

Version 3.2b (2009/09/02)
- New maintainer (Will Robertson)

Version 3.2a (2005/03/29)
- Fixed a labelling problem with bilingual captions

Version 3.2 (2005/03/21)
- New commands for bilingual captions in longtables

Version 3.1c (2003/11/14)
- \label now picks up the correct number after \contcaption

Version 3.1b (2002/10/18)
- Minor bug fix related to brackets in captions with the subfigure option
- Stopped double labelling within a caption

Version 3.1a (2002/04/01)
- subfigure option code changed to match released version 2.1.2 of 
  the subfigure package.

Version 3.1 (2002/02/20)
- subfigure option code changed to match released version 2.1 of 
  the subfigure package.

Version 3.0a (2001/08/03)
- Catered for old versions of amsmath package doing odd things with
  \@tempa, \@tempb, and \@tempc.

Version 3.0 (2001/03/03)
- Provides same tools for typesetting new List of... as the tocloft package

Version 2.7 (2001/02/24)
- Tools provided for styling captions.
- The \formatlegend command has been replaced by the general styling
  mechanism, so in this slight respect version 7.0 is not upwards 
  compatible with earlier versions.
- Added extensive discussion on float placement.

Version 2.6e (2001/01/12)
- Fixed problem with hyperref package and new (sub) floats.

Version 2.6d (2001/01/02)
- Fixed problem with fragile commands in subfigure 2.0 package option
  continued subfloat captions.
- Fixed problem with new subfloats and the subfigure 2.1 package option.
- Added discussion on use with the endfloat package.

Version 2.6a (2000/02/29)
- With subfigures, main captions can be at the top or bottom of the
  float, and subcaptions can be at the top or bottom of the `subfloat'

Version 2.6 (2000/02/26)
- Added support for bilingual captions

Version 2.5 (2000/02/20)
- Added support for the subfigure version 2.1 package
- Fixed an infelicity with \centering

Version 2.4 (1999/09/20)
- Added support for the subfigure (version 2.0) package

Version 2.3 (1999/01/24)
- Added unnumbered captions
- Much improved documentation.

Version 2.1 (1998/10/04)
- More efficient coding.

  Author: Peter Wilson (Herries Press)
  Maintainer: Will Robertson (will dot robertson at latex-project dot org)
  Copyright 1998-2005 Peter R. Wilson
  Copyright 2011 Will Robertson
  This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
  conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
  version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any 
  later version: <http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt>

  This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
  The Current Maintainer of this work is Will Robertson.
  This work consists of the files:
README (this file)
ccaption.pdf (user manual)
  and the derived files:


  The distribution consists of the files:
README (this file)

    To install the package:
- run: latex ccaption.ins (which will generate ccaption.sty)
- run: latex ccaption.dtx
- (for an index run: makeindex -s gind.ist ccaption)
- run: latex ccaption.dtx
- Print ccaption.dvi for a hardcopy of the package manual 
- Move ccaption.sty to a location where LaTeX will find it
       (see the FAQ http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq for more about this).

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (492.6k).

ccaption – Continuation headings and legends for floats

A package providing commands for ‘continuation captions’, unnumbered captions, and also a non-specific legend heading for any environment. Methods are also provided to define captions for use outside float (e.g., figure and table) environments, and to define new float environments and Lists of Floats. Tools are provided for specifying your own captioning styles.

LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright1998–2005 Peter R. Wilson
2011 Will Robertson
MaintainerWill Robertson
Peter R. Wilson (inactive)
TDS archiveccaption.tds.zip
Contained inTeX Live as ccaption
MiKTeX as ccaption
See alsocaption
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