Directory macros/latex/contrib/cookybooky
Abstract --------------------------------- `cookybooky' is a package to give recipes a proper - quite professional - layout and a user friendly input mask to enter the ingredients, the preparation and some additional hints to the recipes at ease. The usage of key-value-pairs for some commands and some other easy-to-handle-commands will make it easy for the customer to quickly setup some recipes and bring them into `good shape' or simply archive them ... Very new - compared to other recipe packages - will be, to underline the recipe pages with some transparent background graphics and transparent text and as well position some more graphics on the appropriate page to show the food, that is to be cooked - also easily implemented. Package contents --------------------------------- The current distribution is zipped up as `' and consists of the `cookybooky.dtx', `cookybooky.ins' and `README.txt' files, a proper documentation, called `Manual.pdf', as well as some demo graphics (in `eps' format) and some (hopefully helpful) example files. Installation hints -------------------------------- Unzip the `' to a folder where your TeX system will find it. Open the `cookybooky.ins' in your favorite editor and latex it. The `cookybooky.sty' will automatically be generated and additionally a customer's helper file `myRecipe.cfg' in which customer settings can be setup. System requirements -------------------------------- The default workflow is latex -> dvi -> dvips -> ps2pdf pdftex is not possible yet, maybe in an update. As well needed are some fonts like Brush Script, Lucida Handwriting, Lucida Calligraphy to present the recipe names in an elegant way. Due to this is my first package, I have a quite long list of required packages, which however most are in TeX standard distributions and listed in the manual. Current maintainer -------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2009, J�rgen Gilg, <>
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.0M).
cookybooky – A LaTeX based package to easily typeset some professional looking cooking recipes
This package typesets recipes in quite an eye-pleasing way (with additional pictures).
Package | cookybooky |
Version | 1.0 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Copyright | 2009 Jürgen Gilg |
Maintainer | Jürgen Gilg (deceased) |
Contained in | MiKTeX as cookybooky |
Topics | Cooking |
See also | xcookybooky recipe recipecard cooking |