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Directory macros/latex/contrib/emulateapj

This is emulateapj.cls, version November 10, 2009

`emulateapj' is a LaTeX2e class to emulate the Astrophysical Journal
(ApJ) page layout. The page length of the resulting document is very
close to that in ApJ when Times fonts are used instead of the LaTeX
default CM fonts.

If a manuscript is prepared for ApJ submission using the standard
American Astronomical Society LaTeX macros and the `aastex' style
(see instructions for authors on the ApJ web site), the only thing
required from the user should be to replace \documentclass{aastex}
with \documentclass{emulateapj}, and perhaps resize figures as
desired and replace {deluxetable} with {deluxetable*}. Possible minor
problems are described below.

emulateapj requires revtex4.cls. If you don't have it already, it can be
downloaded from http://publish.aps.org/revtex4/ (it's a small package). 
Other extrnal packages used are latexsym, graphicx, amssymb, longtable,
epsf. They should already be present in the modern TeX distributions; if
not, download them from www.ctan.org. 
For the latest version check http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~alexey/emulateapj

NOTE: ApJ has moved its publishing to IOP and they have slightly changed
the formatting. To implement these changes, call emulateapj with the iop
option, as in

Other available options:

[chicago] - (default) typeset as was done in the University of Chicago Press
[twocolumn] - (default) two-column mode
[onecolumn] - main text in one-column mode
[apj]       - typeset as for main journal
[apjl]      - (default) typeset as for ApJ Letters 
[tighten]   - some adjustments to approximate grid typesetting
[numberedappendix]   - number appendix sections as A, B, etc
[appendixfloats]  - use separate numbering for floats within appendix
[appendixfloats]  - use separate numbering for floats within appendix
[twocolappendix]  - make appendix in two-col mode in a two-col paper
[revtex4]   - force using revtex4

NOTE 2: Starting from version 11/10/2009, emulateapj tries to load
revtex4-1 if present on the system. This may cause small changes in
typesetting for old documents. If you want full compatibility, please
download the last version based on revtex4,
and bundle it with your TeX source code

Copyright 2000-2009 Alexey Vikhlinin

The first version of this package was written by Maxim Markevitch. 
Pieces of AASTeX code are used for compatibility with aastex.cls.

This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of
the LaTeX Project Public License available from CTAN archives in
macros/latex/base/lppl.txt. This means you are free to use and
distribute this package; however, if you modify anything, please
change the file name and remove the author's email address.

Alexey Vikhlinin <alexey@head.cfa.harvard.edu>

%% For release notes and change log, read the bottom of emulateapj.cls

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (165.0k).

emulateapj – Produce output similar to that of APJ

A class (based on current Rev) to produce preprints with the page layout similar to that of the Astrophysical Journal.

Home pagehttp://hea-www.harvard.edu/~alexey/emulateapj
Version 2012-08-17
LicensesThe Project Public License
MaintainerAlexey Vikhlinin
Maxim Markevitch (inactive)
Contained inTeX Live as emulateapj
MiKTeX as emulateapj
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