Directory macros/latex/contrib/filedate
README for the `filedate' package Access and Compare LaTeX File Info and Modification Dates (C) Uwe Lueck 2012-11-06 `filedate.sty' provides basic access to the date of a LaTeX source file according to its \ProvidesFile, \ProvidesPackage, or \ProvidesClass entry -- the "info date" --, as well as to its modification date according to \pdffilemoddate if the latter is available. Moreover commands are provided to compare the "info date" with the modification date, with "today"'s date, or with another date that a script accessing modifica- tion dates such as may insert, and to choose the effect of comparisons (error vs. "notice", reference date characterization). Thus updating the "info date" ("date con- sistency") of a source file may be ensured by a test during typesetting from it or by some (shell/TeX) script. REQUIRED PACKAGES: `readprov' for two commands RELATED PACKAGES: filemod, getfiledate, zwgetfdate, fileinfo KEYWORDs: modification date, metadata, package documentation, document versions, macro programming LICENSE: The package file `filedate.sty' and the documentation files `filedate.pdf' (see directory `doc') and `filedate.tex' can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either version 1.3c of the License, or any later version, see There is NO WARRANTY, indeed this still is somewhat experimental. The `filedate' package is author-maintained in the sense of the license. The latest public version of the package is available at A TDS version of the package is available as Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
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filedate – Access and compare info and modification dates
The package provides basic access to the date of a LaTeX source file according to its \Provides... entry (the “info date”) as well as to its modification date according to \pdffilemoddate if the latter is available.
Package | filedate |
Support | |
Version | 2013-03-27 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Maintainer | Uwe Lück (deceased) |
TDS archive | |
Contained in | TeX Live as filedate MiKTeX as filedate |
Topics | Date time File management |