Directory macros/latex/contrib/gcard
gcard.sty provides a simple LaTeX2e package for producing greeting cards. It arranges four panels onto a single sheet (typically, A4 or letter) so that when the sheet is folded twice the four panels are arranged as front cover, inside left and right pages, and back cover. It uses the textpos package for placement on the sheet and the graphicx package for the necessary rotation. The four panels are set in minipages for formatting by the user. The package is distributed under the LaTeX Public Project License. File list: gcard.sty % main package file gcard.pdf % main documentation README % this file gcardminexample.tex % minimal example as shown in gcard.pdf gcardex.tex % slightly more complicated example 21 August 2007 George McBane
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (127.8k).
gcard – Arrange text on a sheet to fold into a greeting card
The package provides a simple means of producing greeting cards. It arranges four panels onto a single sheet so that when the sheet is folded twice the four panels are arranged as front cover, inside left and right pages, and back cover. It uses the textpos package for placement on the sheet and the graphicx package for the necessary rotation. The four panels are set in minipages for formatting by the user.
Package | gcard |
Version | 2007-08-21 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Maintainer | George McBane |
Contained in | TeX Live as gcard MiKTeX as gcard |
Topics | Letter Graphics use |