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Directory macros/latex/contrib/hepnames

hepnames --- a set of pre-defined high energy particle names
             built using the hepparticles package
by Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org>

hepnames is a pair of LaTeX packages, heppennames and hepnicenames, providing a
large set of pre-defined high energy physics particle names built with the
hepparticles package. This means that the particle name macros can be used in
and out of math mode, and will adapt according to the context in which they are
called: for example, particles in a bold region of text or a section header will
automatically be typeset in bold type.

heppennames re-implements the particle names in pennames.sty, with some
additions and alterations and greater flexibility and robustness due to the
hepparticles structures, which were written for this purpose.

hepnicenames provides the main non-resonant particle names from heppennames with
more "friendly" names. The full list of macro names, as well as more general
package documentation, can be found in the hepnames PDF and PS files. The full
list of macros and typeset forms in various contexts are listed in the
specific heppennames and hepnicenames PDF and PS files.

Finally, the simplest choice is the hepnames package, which imports both
heppennames and hepnicenames and accepts the same package options as those two.

These packages are based around pennames.sty by Michel Goosens and Eric van

This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.  
See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html 
for the details of that license.

Author: Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org>

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.4M).

hepnames – Pre-defined high energy particle names

Hepnames provides a pair of packages, heppennames and hepnicenames, providing a large set of pre-defined high energy physics particle names built with the hepparticles package. The packages are based on pennames.sty by Michel Goosens and Eric van Herwijnen.

Heppennames re-implements the particle names in pennames.sty, with some additions and alterations and greater flexibility and robustness due to the hepparticles structures, which were written for this purpose.

Hepnicenames provides the main non-resonant particle names from heppennames with more “friendly” names.

LicensesThe Project Public License
MaintainerAndy Buckley
Contained inTeX Live as hepnames
MiKTeX as hepnames
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