Directory macros/latex/contrib/jasthesis
jasthesis.cls This class sets up LaTeX to produce a document conforming to the standards required by the University of Bristol, UK. It should also be approximately BS4821:1990 standard. Please see the jasthesis.tex or .dvi file for instructions and further details. This distribution contains: README (this file) jasthesis.cls jasthesis.tex jasthesis.dvi 23/05/2002 (
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jasthesis – A 'standard' thesis class
A class that produces theses in the format required by the University of Bristol (UK). This is close to the requirements of the standard BS 4821:1990.
Package | jasthesis |
Version | 0.5 |
Maintainer | James Shepherd |
Contained in | MiKTeX as jasthesis |
Topics | Class Dissertation |