CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory macros/latex/contrib/mslapa

mslapa is based on previous APA formats. The changes made to produce the
mslapa format were originally made by Michael S.  Landy in 1995 and are
public domain. The copyright and licensing of the file as a whole also
depends on the copyright and licensing of the original code.  
This statement added 2008/11/25 by Clea F. Rees in an attempt to make the
situation a little clearer following communication with Michael S. Landy.

This directory contains my version of LaTeX and BibTeX style files for a
respectably close approximation to APA (American Psychological Association)
citation and reference style.  This version is based on things found in the
attempts of others at an APA-like style (including the files apalike, newapa,
and apabst).  However, I have added several features beyond those to be found
in the previous styles.  I also include an example file to show how the style
is used.  To run off the example, on UNIX you would type something like:

	latex examp ; bibtex examp ; latex examp ; latex examp ; dvips examp

To install this style, you should move `mslapa.bst' to the place your
installation keeps BibTeX style files and `mslapa.sty' to the place your
installation keeps LaTeX style files.

If you have requests, bugs, bug fixes, or any other needs, don't hesitate to
contact me.

Michael S. Landy
New York University
Dept. of Psychology



	README - this file
	bibfile.bib - sample bibliography for use with examp.tex
	examp.tex - sample LaTeX file using mslapa bibliography style features
	mslapa.bst - BibTeX style file
	mslapa.sty - LaTeX style file for use with mslapa.bst
	mslapa.tar.Z - compressed tar file of the above

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (280.7k).

mslapa – Michael Landy’s APA citation style

and style files for a respectably close approximation to APA (American Psychological Association) citation and reference style.

Version 1995-05-01
LicensesFree license not otherwise listed
MaintainerMichael S. Landy
Contained inTeX Live as mslapa
MiKTeX as mslapa
See alsoapacite
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