Directory macros/latex/contrib/notespages
Copyright 2016 Mike Kaufmann This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. The Current Maintainer of this work is Mike Kaufmann. This work consists of the files notespages.dtx and notespages.ins and the derived files notespages.sty and np-test.tex. 1. What is it The NotesPages package provides one macros to insert a single notes page and another to fill the document with multiple notes pages, until the total number of pages (so far) is a multiple of a given number. A third command can be used to fill half empty pages with a notes area. This package is in a nearly finished state of development (it's version 0.8). It is useful, but there are some restrictions. And although it's not planned, the user interface may change in the future. 2. Generating notespages.sty Simply run: tex notespages.ins The file notepages.dtx also contains an example. You will be asked, if you want to generate it. 3. Making the Documentation To get contents, cross references and index right, run TeX and makeindex as follows: pdflatex notespages.dtx pdflatex notespages.dtx makeindex -s notespages.idx makeindex -s -o notespages.gls notespages.glo pdflatex notespages.dtx 4. Making the Example File To get it right, run LaTeX twice. It requires KOMA-Script and TikZ. Oh, and it takes quite some time to compile. 5. Files README this file notespages.dtx the package notespages.ins the generator notespages.pdf the manual np-test.pdf the example file
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NotesPages – Filling documents with notes pages and notes areas
This package package provides one macro to insert a single notes page and another to fill the document with multiple notes pages, until the total number of pages (so far) is a multiple of a given number. A third command can be used to fill half empty pages with a notes area.
Package | NotesPages |
Version | 0.8.1 2016-08-21 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 |
Maintainer | Mike Kaufmann |
Contained in | TeX Live as notespages MiKTeX as notespages |
Topics | Notes Blank page |