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Directory macros/latex/contrib/seu-ml-assign


SEU-ML-Assign Template

Template for Southeast University Machine Learning Assignment

Class and Options

This project provides the seu-ml-assign class.

Option Explanation Default
solution Write solutions (for students).
problem Write problem sets (for instructors).
oneside One-sided document.
twoside Two-sided document.
9pt Set font size as 9 points.
10pt Set font size as 10 points.
11pt Set font size as 11 points.
12pt Set font size as 12 points.

Commands and Usage

Please refer to the documentation.

The main higher level commands provided in this template are \problem[<points>]{title} and \subproblem{title}.


This project has been contained in CTAN, and so is in Live.


Please go to issues to report them if any.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (175.4k).

seu-ml-assign – Southeast University Machine Learning Assignment template

This is a template for the Southeast University Machine Learning Assignment that can be easily adapted to other usages. This template features a colorful theme that makes it look elegant and attractive. You can also find the template available on Overleaf.

Home pagehttps://seu-ml-assign.github.io
Bug trackerhttps://github.com/Teddy-van-Jerry/SEU-ML-Assign_LaTeX_Template/issues
LicensesMIT License
Copyright2022 Teddy van Jerry (Wuqiong Zhao)
MaintainerTeddy van Jerry
Contained inTeX Live as seu-ml-assign
MiKTeX as seu-ml-assign
Document template
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