Directory macros/latex209/contrib/citesidx
CITESIDX (Based on fancycites.sty and windex.tex) Author: Frank Buchholz, Dortmund, Germany, Dec. 1992 email: Main purpose: Add reference-page-list to bibliography-items. This is done by using the index-facility. Am Ende der Literaturangaben wird jeweils eine Liste der Seiten angef"ugt, auf denen zitiert wird. Diese Liste wird, ebenso wie der Index, mit dem Programm "makeindex" erstellt. Daf"ur ben"otigt "makeindex" die Datei "citesidx.isty". Files: README This file CITESIDX.STY Style-File used by LaTeX CITESIDX.ISTY Style-file used by 'makeindex'. Every char-group ( A, B, C, ... ) is started with a header. If your makeindex-programm doesn't understand this, use the following file instead. CITESIDX1.ISTY Style-file used by 'makeindex' Documentation: see CITESIDX.STY Usage: latex <file> bibtex <file> % if neccesary makeindex -s makeindex.isty <file> latex <file> latex <file> Why use file CITESIDX.ISTY? The program "makeindex" has to write entries like the following \item \indexciteitem{<key>}{<pageno-list>} into the *.ind-file if it recognizes entries like \indexentry{<key>@\indexciteitem{<key>}}{<pageno>} in the *.idx-file. The latter entries are produced by the \cites-commands. Notice that the pageno-list is enclosed in brackets, because the command \indexciteitem takes two parameters. Hint: If you change file "makeindex.isty" to get an other index-layout or if you like to use an other program than "makeindex" to produce the file <name>.ind, take care that the page-list have to be enclosed in brackets.
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citesidx – Produce a citation list for the bibliography
The list of citations may appear as a list of page numbers in each cited entry in the bibliography, or in the index.
A modern implementation of the same concept is backref (part of the hyperref distribution), that produces hypertext links from the bibliography to each citation.
Package | citesidx |
Version | 1993-02-24 |
Maintainer | Frank Buchholz |
Topics | Cite support |