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Directory macros/unicodetex/latex/realscripts



Small package to replace \textsuperscript & \textsubscript by equivalent commands that use OpenType font features to access the appropriate glyphs if possible.

Provides \textsubsuperscript (and \textsupersubscript) for setting subscripts and superscripts on top of each other.

Also patches 's default footnote command to use this new \textsuperscript for footnote symbols.

Requires fontspec running on either XeLaTeX or Lua.

For more information see the documentation realscripts.pdf.

Change History

v0.3d 2016/02/13

  • Fix somewhat important typo in the documentation.
  • Minor other updates to the docs.
  • Fix old expl3 syntax change.

v0.3c 2013/03/18

  • Fix completely broken \textsupersubscript.
  • Allow \textsubsuperscript at the start of a paragraph (!).
  • Sync with expl3 updates.

v0.3b 2013/02/27

  • Remove internal definition of two functions that have since been defined in expl3 (\dim_min:nn and \dim_max:nn).

v0.3 2010/09/30

  • New commands \textsubsuperscript and \textsupersubscript added.
  • Fix an "infinite loop" bug added in the last version, triggered when loading the xltxtra package with the [no-sscript] option.

v0.2 2010/09/20

  • Add feature to specify the font of the patched footnotemark. This behaves well with KOMA-Script's \setkomafont, as well.


  • First release
  • Extracted from the xltxtra package


The release version of this package is available from CTAN:

Development and historical versions are available from GitHub:

Please report bugs and feature suggestions to the issue tracker:


The realscripts package is released under the Project Public License version 1.3c or greater. The current maintainer is Will Robertson.

Copyright 2010 Will Robertson

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (106.4k).

realscripts – Access OpenType subscript and superscript glyphs

This small package replaces \textsuperscript and \textsubscript commands by equivalent commands that use OpenType font features to access appropriate glyphs if possible.

The package also patches ’s default footnote command to use this new \textsuperscript for footnote symbols.

The package requires fontspec running on either XeLaTeX or Lua.

The package holds functions that were once parts of the xltxtra package, which now loads realscripts by default.

LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2010–2016 Will Robertson
MaintainerWill Robertson
TDS archiverealscripts.tds.zip
Contained inTeX Live as realscripts
MiKTeX as realscripts
Subsup position
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