Directory macros/xetex/hyphenation/sanhyph
sanhyph.tex Unicode hyphenation patterns for Sanskrit and Prakrit in Devanagari, Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam and Telugu scripts. Created: April 1st, 2005 First release: June 8th, 2006 Revised: (not yet) Version: 0.1 Created by Yves Codet with Jonathan Kew's help. These patterns are meant for XeTeX, a Unicode variant of TeX. After being compiled into a format, these patterns can be activated with the command: \language=\sanskrit In LaTeX, if your document is entirely in Sanskrit or Prakrit, you can write the command in your preamble, for instance: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{book} \usepackage{fontspec} \setromanfont[Script=Devanagari]{Code2000} \language=\sanskrit \begin{document} उद्दिष्टः समाहितचित्तस्य योगः । कथं व्युत्थितचित्तोऽपि योगयुक्तः स्यादित्येतदारभ्यते । \end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If there is another language in your source file, you can define a new font instance and a new command, for instance: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{book} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage[frenchb]{babel} \setromanfont{Code2000} % font % "Code2000" with French hyphenation called by "Babel" \newfontinstance\devanagarifont[Script=Devanagari]{Code2000} \newcommand{\sk}[1]{{\language=\sanskrit\devanagarifont{#1}}} % the % same font with Sanskrit hyphenation called by the command % "\language=\sanskrit" \begin{document} \sk{उद्दिष्टः समाहितचित्तस्य योगः । कथं व्युत्थितचित्तोऽपि योगयुक्तः स्यादित्येतदारभ्यते ।} La pratique de celui qui a l’esprit concentré vient d'être décrite. Comment celui qui a l’esprit dispersé doit-il mener la sienne? C’est ce sujet qui va être abordé. \end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I never use plainTeX, so I don't know how to do the same with it. If a plainTeX user is willing to send me the equivalents of the above, I'll be grateful. Please send corrections and suggestions to: These hyphenation patterns are under the LaTeX Project Public License.
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sanhyph – Sanskrit hyphenation patterns
These patterns define hyphenation of Unicode input of Sanskrit and Prakrit in Devanagari, Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam and Telugu scripts.
The patterns are structured for use with XeTeX.
Package | sanhyph |
Version | 0.1 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Maintainer | Yves Codet |
Topics | Indic Bengali Sanskrit Hyphenation |