Directory systems/chitex/Windows
This version of chitex (Windows) is with miktex2.9. Before installing chitex, you should install Miktex2.9 A. Install Miktex2.9: Goto: to get file "setup-2.9.3959.exe" (or other version of setup file of Miktex 2.9) to install Miktex2.9. B. Install chitex: In this page (directory), download file "chitex29a26.exe" and click chitex29a26(.exe) to have a directory "ps635Mk29a26". Then in the directory "ps635Mk29a26", click "setup(.exe)" to install chitex. C. Other site which has package of chitex(Windows): D. This package chitex(Windows) could be used in Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7