CTAN has a new package: exercise
Date: August 23, 2004 2:55:22 PM CEST
A new package has been installed on tug.ctan.org and should by now have made
it to your favorite mirror.
Jim Hefferon
The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
Name of contribution: exercise
Author's name: Paul Pichaureau
Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/exercise
Summary description: A package to typeset exercises, problems, etc. and
their answers.
License type: gpl
Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
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The package helps to typeset exercises or list of exercises within any
Exercises, questions, sub-questions are automatically numbered. It is
possible to put answers in the same document, and display them immediatly,
later in the document or not at all.
The layout of exercise is fully customisable. It is then possible to
typeset long problems, short exercises, questionnaires, etc.
Usage of the babel package is detected, but not fully supported by now
(only english and french are implemented).
See documentation for more information.
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You can have a look at the package at
although you may get a better network connection by visiting a mirror
of CTAN that is near to you; see
exercise – Typeset exercises, problems, etc. and their answers
The package helps to typeset exercises or list of exercises within any document.
Exercises, questions and sub-questions are automatically numbered. It is possible to put answers in the same document, and display them immediatly, later in the document or not to print answers at all.
The layout of exercises is fully customisable. It is possible to typeset long problems, short exercises, questionnaires, etc.
Usage of the babel package is detected, but not fully supported yet (only English and French are implemented).
Package | exercise |
Version | 1.6 2014-10-20 |
Maintainer | Paul Pichaureau |