CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN update: preview-latex 0.9.1

Date: April 3, 2005 12:48:41 PM CEST
On Sun, 3 Apr 2005, David Kastrup uploaded a new version of preview-latex to CTAN. Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/preview, support/preview-latex License: gpl Here are the release notes: > Release notes for version 0.9.1 of the preview-latex package: > > preview-latex makes LaTeX a tightly integrated component of your > editing workflow by visualizing selected source chunks (such as single > formulas or graphics) directly as images in the source buffer. > You get to have your eye candy and edit it, too. > > The employed style file preview.sty is independently useful for > extraction of selected text elements as images. > > The package is released under the GNU Public License (GPL) and can be > downloaded from <URL:ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/auctex/> as a tarball > or as RPM files. At the current point of time, at least GNU > Emacs-21.3 under the X window system or XEmacs-21 in version 21.4.10 > or later, AUCTeX (11.51 or later required for PDF support), a working > LaTeX installation and GhostScript are required. dvipng[1] (version > 1.4 or later: teTeX-3.0 works, TeXlive2004 not), a very fast dvi > converter, can be used to speed up the conversion. For Windows[2], > MacOS Carbon[3] or native GTK+ toolkit support[4], a developer > version[5] of GNU Emacs (to be released as 22.1) is definitely > required; for other platforms, use of it is advantageous. > > The installation procedure has been further improved: more > configurations should now be detected automatically. It is strongly > recommended that you remove any previous installation before > installing this version to avoid keeping conflicting or unnecessary > files. In particular version 0.9 has been known to install into > strange (but working) places at times and will likely render later > installed versions inoperative. > > The quality of multibyte and image support in the current > implementations and the responsiveness of the developers to problem > reports does not recommend the use of XEmacs at the current point of > time. > > The encoding support of preview-latex has been refined: the run buffer > will now yield readable output again in most situations where it can > be reasonably expected to do so. > > The installation no longer requires Makeinfo or Perl as long as you > don't touch source files: precompiled documentation is included in the > distribution by default and no longer available as a separate archive. > > The README file provides adequate information for firing up > preinstalled distributions, and pointers how to provide feedback. The > INSTALL file contains a special section with advice for package > providers. There is also a file INSTALL.windows detailing > instructions for users of that operating system. > > preview-latex has now been moved into the AUCTeX project. As a > consequence, its web site has become > <URL:http://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/#preview-latex>, the project > page (with browsable CVS repository) is that of AUCTeX at > <URL:http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/auctex>. Starting with release > 11.80, preview-latex will come bundled with AUCTeX. > > If you can spare the time, you can also comment on or rate this > project at <URL:http://freshmeat.net/projects/preview-latex>. > > Paypal donations to the maintainer are possible directly or via > SourceForge. > > Footnotes: > [1] dvipng is currently available via its current project page > <URL:http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/dvipng> and from CTAN. > > [2] You can get a precompiled version of CVS Emacs for Windows at > <URL:http://nqmacs.sourceforge.net>. > > [3] <URL:http://members.shaw.ca/akochoi-emacs/stories/faq.html> > contains build instructions. > > [4] For Debian, precompiled GTK+ Emacs packages can be found at > <URL:http://sadleder.de/debian/>, for Fedora at > <URL:http://people.redhat.com/petersen/emacs/>. > > [5] If making use of the precompiled variants is not an option for > you, instructions for checking out the CVS version straight from the > GNU's mouth can be found at > <URL:http://savannah.gnu.org/cvs/?group=emacs> Thanks for the update. For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf

preview – Extract bits of a source for output

The package is a free-standing part of the preview-latex bundle. The package provides the support preview-latex needs, when it chooses the matter it will preview. The output may reasonably be expected to have other uses, as in html translators, etc.

Copyright2001–2006, 2010, 2017–2024 Free Software Foundation
MaintainerThe AUC Team
David Kastrup (inactive)



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